Laser assisted liposuction is a technological breakthrough that extends great hope to men and women who are looking for an efficient procedure to get rid of excess body fat in an effective and painless manner.
Laser liposuction, especially that performed using AccuSculpt, not only melts the fat away but tightens the skin as well. It is a powerful body sculpting tool that has shown promising results when compared to other liposuction devices available in the market. The FDA approved device operates optimally for bringing about desired results in a safe, quick and effective manner.
The procedure, which is carried out under local anesthesia, is quite simple and relied upon by renowned plastic surgeons in the
Skin tightening could not be achieved in traditional lipolysis. Moreover, traditional liposuction also involved considerable pain, lengthy downtime, need for sutures, risks and complications. AccuSculpt laser liposuction has solved these problems in the most efficacious manner.
Laser liposuction has been tried, tested and proven to melt the fat away from almost all parts of the body. This includes commonly treated areas such as abdomen, face, neck, inner thighs, flanks, buttocks, knees, back and arms. Recovery time is short and patients are able to return to work within a few days. All these advantageous features have made laser liposuction one of the most preferred body contouring options.